The issue of the history of the origin of ideas about the principle of reasonableness in law occupies a central place within the study of historical and legal aspects of the principles of law in general. The author proves that the ideas about the principles of law in general are marked by the historical duration of their formation and development, and today the legal doctrine is represented by a wide range: a) worldview and scientific ideas of thinkers of antiquity; b) various theoretical and practical ideas of philosophers of the medieval period; c) scientific works of the Modern Age and the Enlightenment; d) innovative concepts and theories put forward by modern philosophers, modern jurists, political scientists, philosophers and scientists (both representatives of legal sciences and other branches of scientific research). In addition, the paper analyzes the history of the origin of worldviews and scientific ideas about the principle of reasonableness in law, as well as identifies the factors that led to its separation as an object of scientific knowledge. It is substantiated that thinkers of the Antiquity period comprehend and reveal the ideas of reason in law (law) through a set of other concepts and categories that form a connection with this ideological principle, namely: the logos, which is defined as the eternal world order; law, legislative activity as a manifestation of the logos, the ability to formalize the logos; wisdom as a result of education and human experience, public interests and balancing the interests of various subjects of social relations; common sense, etc. Summarizes the position that in the views of thinkers arises and develops the worldview that law is a product of mental human activity, which should be educated, vitally wise, and therefore able to think, analyze the objective needs of society, distinguish between «good» and «evil». This idea became a component of sophistry, which later in the views of Roman jurists expanded and rethought in terms of lawmaking and law enforcement on the mental abilities of man, who invest in the content of laws rational ideas and able to understand and apply them with the mind. It is stated that despite the fact that in the legal teachings of antiquity the principle of reasonableness in law has not yet become an independent subject of worldview or scientific understanding, nor has it been singled out as a separate legal category, it should be noted the research interest of ancient thinkers in development and improvement law, its nature, essence and functional purpose, actions and effectiveness, which are understood, including through the prism of ideas about human wisdom (mind), rationality in law, features of the implementation of law in human consciousness and behavior. Keywords: law principles, functions law principles, principle of reasonableness in law, role of principle of reasonableness in law, system law principles.
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