This paper presents Sandor Ferenczi’s contributions to Short-Term Psychotherapy in general, specifically concretized in the Integrated ShortTerm Psychotherapy Model that has been developed at the SPPB (Portuguese Society of Brief Psichotherapy). Ferenczi’s proposal for the active participation of the therapist allows for a reformulation of the analytic framework, preventing the development of transfer neurosis and prioritizing the therapeutic relationship. The changes experienced and introduced by Ferenczi led to shifts in therapeutic work that remain relevant even today. We refer to the brevity of the therapeutic process, the focus on clients' needs, the interaction between patient and analyst, and the constant search for modifications to technique as ways to overcome therapeutic impasses and address patients' needs. The resonance of his clinical work is particularly evident in the therapeutic interventions, notably in the construction and development of the Therapeutic Alliance (TA). In summary, Ferenczi introduced a new level of therapeutic engagement within the inter-personal/inter-human sphere, relating to ethical issues and implications for the therapist’s personal requirements and training.
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