Gas-surface reaction mechanisms and rates were developed for an air–titanium surface to support finite-rate catalytic surface reaction models used in computational fluid dynamics. For the surface dissociation/recombination reactions, a two-step reaction method was applied based on the assumption that two atoms must be positioned in adjacent cells to recombine. Transition state theory was used to calculate the surface reactions for adsorbed diatomic molecules to dissociate to the adjacent unit cell or atoms located in the adjacent cells to recombine into diatomic molecules. For the second step, atoms located in the adjacent cells are allowed to further dissociate to another cell (total separation), or totally separated atoms recombine into the adjacent cells. A stochastic gas-surface kinetics simulation code, STOKIN, was developed to simulate gas-surface reactions and to calculate the equilibrium constants of second molecular dissociation ⇌ recombination processes. Thermodynamic properties of the adsorbates (enthalpies, entropies, and heat capacities) were calculated using density functional theory along with statistical mechanics assuming no rotational and translational contributions to the entropies and heat capacities due to the adsorbates’ inability to freely move or rotate on the surface.
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