On mediumcultivated mediumloamy sod-podzolic soils of the Central NonChernozem region, well provided with mobile phosphorus and potassium (IV–V class), the cultivation of lupine–cereal mixtures for grain with the participation of narrowleaved lupine varieties Ladny, spring wheat, barley and oats varieties of Nemchin breeding after grain precursors in a changing climate ensured grain production in an average of 5 up to 3.0–3.7 t/ha with a share of the legume component of 29–57% and the remaining dry mass of plant residues in the soil up to 6–8 t/ha with the accumulation of total nitrogen in it up to 40–60 kg/ha and biological – 12–17 kg/ha. In arid conditions (GTK = 0.80–0.92), a mixture of lupine and barley was distinguished for the better in terms of yield and weight of plant residues, and in case of waterlogging (GTK = 2.47) – mixtures with oats and spring wheat. The inclusion of liquid micronutrients of organic nature in the technological process with a stimulating effect for non-root top dressing eliminated the need for pre-sowing application of nitrogen fertilizer and, in conditions of moderate aridity, increased grain yield, depending on the composition of the mixture, to 3.9–4.9 t/ha (by 53–59%), the yield of plant residues – up to 7–11 t/ha (by 54–139%) and in them there is an accumulation of symbiotically bound nitrogen – up to 15–25 kg/ha or 5–8 times more than without their use.
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