Several concepts that model processes of spreading (of information, disease, objects, etc.) in graphs or networks have been studied. In many contexts, we assume that some vertices of a graph G are contaminated initially, before the process starts. By the q-forcing rule, a contaminated vertex having at most q uncontaminated neighbors enforces all the neighbors to become contaminated, while by the p-percolation rule, an uncontaminated vertex becomes contaminated if at least p of its neighbors are contaminated. If given a set S of initially contaminated vertices all vertices eventually become contaminated when continuously applying the q-forcing rule (respectively the p-percolation rule), S is called a q-forcing set (respectively, a p-percolating set) in G. In this paper, we consider sets S that are at the same time q-forcing sets and p-percolating sets, and call them (p,q)-spreading sets. Given positive integers p and q, the minimum cardinality of a (p,q)-spreading set in G is a (p,q)-spreading number, σ(p,q)(G), of G. While q-forcing sets have been studied in a dozen of papers, the decision version of the corresponding graph invariant has not been considered earlier, and we fill the gap by proving its NP-completeness. This, in turn, enables us to prove the NP-completeness of the decision version of the (p,q)-spreading number in graphs for an arbitrary choice of p and q. Again, for every p∈N and q∈N∪{∞}, we find a linear-time algorithm for determining the (p,q)-spreading number of a tree, where in the case p≥2 we apply Riedl’s algorithm from [Largest and smallest minimal percolating sets in trees, Electron. J. Combin. 19 (2012) Paper 64] on p-percolation in trees. In addition, we present a lower and an upper bound on the (p,q)-spreading number of a tree and characterize extremal families of trees. In the case of square grids, we combine some results of Bollobás from [The Art of Mathematics: Coffee Time in Memphis. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2006], and the AIM Minimum Rank-Special Graphs Work Group from [Zero forcing sets and the minimum rank of graphs, Linear algebra Appl. 428 2008 1628–1648], and new results on (2,1)-spreading and (4,q)-spreading to obtain σ(p,q)(Pm□Pn) for all (p,q)∈(N∖{3})×(N∪{∞}) and all m,n∈N.
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