THE number of mineral species known to occur in the British Isles increases yearly and details of their localities and assemblages are scattered throughout the literature. For ready-reference purposes Spencer produced lists of British minerals (1898, 1931, and 1958) to complement the species detailed by Greg and Lettsom (1858) in their Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. The listing tradition was continued by Embrey (1977 and 1978) and at the latter dates the total number of known British species was approximately 600. Some entries in the earlier lists require revision in view of later work (Deer et al., 1962, 1963, and 1979; Fleischer 1980; and Hey, 1962 and 1963; and Hey and Embrey 1974). The present authors undertook the task of revising entries in Heddle's (1901) Mineralogy of Scotland endeavouring to produce an up-to-date glossary of Scottish mineral species. This work 'Glossary of Scottish Mineral Species 1981' (Macpherson and Livingstone, 1982), entailed examination of many specimens in the Scottish Mineral Collection of the Royal Scottish Museum as well as specimens in other museum collections. Contact was made with other mineralogists in order to obtain specimens or unpublished data. In works of this nature the value of museum collections is paramount for without their existence certain entries could not be made. The Scottish Glossary contains 443 entries detailing mineral name, ideal formula, crystal system, assemblage, locality (preRegionalization County names are retained) and reference details, following the style of the Spencer and Embrey lists. In the Scottish Glossary we consider that 399 valid species occur in Scotland. Many of these species are substantiated by X-ray diffraction identification or electron probe microanalysis data or both. When comparing the Greg and Lettsom, Spencer and Embrey lists with the Scottish Glossary it became apparent that some 16~o of Scottish minerals (sixty-four minerals) had not been previously listed or recorded for the British Isles; a
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