Mining projects almost certainly influence the economy, society, and the environment. Accordingly, sustainable mining has economic, social and environmental attributes. Based on economic theories, researchers can obtain the value of mining based on the value of its attributes. The market may sometimes fail to evaluate some attributes, and thus researchers are increasingly using the “stated preference approach”. The present paper uses the “choice experiment” method, which is a subset of the stated preference approach for estimating the utility function and the value of effects caused by mining. A relevant questionnaire was handed out to individuals for this purpose. The conditional logit model and the calculated coefficients about the attributes of mining were shown to be capable of yielding relevant results for the utility function of sustainable mining. Furthermore, the value of sustainable mining in a mine as a case study was estimated equal to $ 11.3 per ton by calculating the willingness to pay for each of the attributes. This paper is quite new in terms of using the choice experiment technique for mine valuation as well as calculating this according to the sustainable development criteria. Estimating the preferences stated by individuals concerning the mining attributes can better assist in managing the effects. It is possible to design the mine to have the highest sustainable value and it can be the basis for comparing the mining projects.