Efficient machine milking requires an optimal interaction of alveolar milk ejection in the udder and milk removal by the milking machine. The aim of the present study was to test whether the equilibrium between continuous milk ejection and milk removal can also be maintained at very fast milking through a particularly high vacuum. Eight Holstein dairy cows were milked at 42, 52, or 60 kPa, with (PS) or without (nPS) prestimulation. Each of the 6 treatments was conducted at 2 afternoon milkings in each animal. The prestimulation lasted 40 s and consisted of forestripping and teat cleaning. The cluster attachment followed after a 20-s latency period. Throughout each milking, B-mode ultrasound videos of the gland cistern of 1 front quarter as well as milk flow and claw vacuum curves were recorded. Total milk yield was neither affected by nPS or PS nor by the vacuum level. Milk removed within the first minute and the first 2 min of milking and average milk flow were higher, and the duration of incline and time until peak milk flow were shorter at PS than at nPS milkings at all vacuum levels. Machine-on time was shorter at PS than at nPS milkings, although only at 42 and 52 kPa vacuum, obviously caused by the high percentage of bimodalities occurring in nPS milkings (17% bimodalities in PS vs. 92% bimodalities in nPS milkings). The frequency of bimodalities was higher at high than at low vacuum both in PS and nPS milkings. Peak flow rate and average milk flow were both higher at higher vacuum levels. The duration of milk flow plateau was shorter at 60 kPa than at 42 kPa milkings. At the highest vacuum (60 kPa), the shorter plateau phase indicated a declining milk ejection rate toward the end of the plateau phase, and milk ejection could no longer keep up with the fast milk removal; hence, a higher milking efficiency at a higher vacuum level could only be achieved as long as the gland cistern remained sufficiently filled by the continuous milk ejection. The ultrasound imaging confirmed this finding as the duration of cisternal area plateau in the recorded front quarter was shorter at high than at low vacuum. Thus, the highest vacuum of 60 kPa did not cause a shorter machine-on time than 52 kPa. In conclusion, milking at a very high vacuum can increase milking efficiency compared with a low vacuum. However, a vacuum reduction at the start and toward the end of milking is required to prevent overmilking if milking is performed at a very high vacuum.