Identification of the brain structures in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the rat is very important for the experimental work of many neuroscientists. Our intention was to recognize most of the structures without overlapping the MRI sections with the histological templates. Three live rats were used for this study who were examined in a micro-MRI apparatus by performing T2-weighted sequences in serial brain sections. Most of the white matter structures were easily identified, e.g. the anterior commissure, corpus callosum with forceps minor and major, cingulum, external and internal capsules, fornix, stria medullaris and terminalis, cranial nerves, mammillothalamic tract, fasciculus retroflexus, medial and lateral lemniscus, posterior commissure, commissures of the superior and inferior colliculi, medial longitudinal fasciculus, and the cerebral peduncle. Large and small gray matter structures were recognized as well, for example, the anterior olfactory structures, nucleus accumbens, caudate putamen, claustrum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, pituitary gland, globus pallidus, amygdala, some midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei, certain hypothalamic nuclei, hippocampal formation, pineal body, periaqueductal gray matter, lateral and medial geniculate bodies, superior and inferior colliculi, and cranial nerves nuclei. All in all, of the total 160 recognized brain structures, 77 were identified without using the corresponding histological atlases. We believe that our labeled MRI pictures could be an important way for quick orientation for evaluating the effects of the experimental work regarding the rat brain.
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