In the setting of recurrent female urethral stricture, urethroplasty offer the best chance of cure. However, which approach (dorsal or ventral) and which tissue (buccal mucosa, vaginal graft, vaginal flap) remain areas of controversy. In this article and accompanying video, we describe female urethroplasty with a supraurethral approach using a buccal mucosa graft. A stricture of 3 cm in length was observed in the mid urethra. A supraurethral semi-lunar incision was made and dissection was performed up to the stricture. A dorsal urethrotomy was performed and a 3 × 2 cm oral mucosal graft was harvested from the left cheek. The mucosal graft was anastomosed to both urethral edges with running sutures. The graft was fixed to the supraurethral tissue with quilting sutures. A urethral catheter and a suprapubic catheter were left in place for 3 weeks. Following removal of the catheters, the patient was able to void satisfactorily with no incontinence. No complications were observed in the urethral area or at the graft harvest site. Buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty with a supraurethral approach is a reliable method in the treatment of female urethral stricture.
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