Investigating the contribution of basin to the cycle of hydrological and the area's size, shape, and creation through quantitative analysis of these characteristics of the local scenery. Additionally, estimates of the denudation rate and hypsometric analysis were made in order to comprehend the sub-basin's quantitative geomorphological properties. The link between the morphometric parameters shows that the local geological and geomorphological features significantly influence the drainage system. On a less elevated surface with a moderate slope, stream geometry displays a pattern as semi-dendritic in greater stream order flow. On mountainous terrain surfaces, main-order streams display a dendritic drainage pattern combined with a coarse texture of drainage. The center zone of the Narmada River basin's sub-watersheds area (9461 km2) underwent morphometric investigation utilizing geographical information systems (GIS) with remote sensing methods. It highlights the usefulness of using Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission – Digital Elevation Model (SRTM-DEM) and satellite images to enhance basin management to evaluate and comprehend many geo-hydrological aspects, like topographic & drainage analyses. ArcGIS hydrological modeling has been used to identify and study basins utilizing SRTM-DEM having 10 m resolution. For the micro-level research of its physiographic characteristics and flow structural control along with runoff, using morphometric parameters like relief, aerial, and linear is also beneficial. This may assist in predicting floods, their extent, and their severity.
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