American Journal of Science, May.—Radiation of atmospheric air, by C. C. Hutchins. A stream of hot air was arranged so that it could be made to pass in front of one of the faces of a thermopile at a distance of 3 cm., and cause a deflection of a galvanometer needle, or the air could be discharged high above the thermopile, leaving it unaffected except by radiation from a large Leslie cube containing water at the temperature of the laboratory. There was no sort of agreement between measures made on eight different days to determine the absolute radiating power of a column of air 1 centimetre thick at a temperature near 100°C.; but in an ordinary room and under average conditions the value came out = 0.000001133+0.00000000711 (t-t′), where t-t′ is the difference in temperature between the air and the cube. Tyndall's result, that the radiation increases with the amount of moisture in the air, was confirmed, but no exact law of connection between the two was found. This is probably due to the presence of accidental impurities in the air employed. The increase of radiation proves to be proportional to the increase of temperature. There was a small increase of radiating power when sheets of air more than 1 centimetre thick were used; with sheets less than this thickness, no difference of radiation could be detected.—Atmospheric radiation of heat and its importance in meteorology, by Cleveland Abbe. In this interesting and exhaustive paper Prof. Abbe brings together practically all the conclusions that have been arrived at on atmospheric movements and their relation to radiation from the air. In his words, “A comprehensive study of fluid motions shows that air and water alike may be forced to ascend without being warmer and lighter, or to descend without being colder and denser, than the surrounding fluid. The currents and whirls behind any obstacle in streams of air or water are almost wholly independent of differences of density, and are caused by differences of pressure as modified by simple kinetic laws.“ These motions, which the air is forced to take for purely kinetic reasons, are specially discussed in detail, but it is impossible to enumerate, in an abstract, the many cases considered.—Experiments upon the constitution of certain micas and chlorites, by F. W. Clarke and E. A. Schneider. The minerals analyzed are waluewite, v. of xanthophyllite, clinochlore, leuchtenbergite, diallage, serpentine, and mica from Miask, Ural.—On the qualitative separation and detection of strontium and calcium by the action of amyl alcohol on the nitrates, by P. E. Browning.—The age and origin of the Lafayette formation, by Eugene W. Hilgard.—On the influence of swamp waters in the formation of the phosphate nodules of South Carolina, by Dr. Charles L. Reese. From the experiments it appears probable that both carbonic acid and the humus substances in fresh-water swamps play an important part both in the accumulation and the concentration of calcium phosphate, and thus in the formation of phosphate nodules, these being considered to be phosphatised marls.— Plattnerite, and its occurrence near Mullars, Idaho, by William S. Yeates; with crystallographic notes by Edward F. Ayres.— On the occurrence of Upper Silurian strata near Penobscot Bay, Maine, by William W. Dodge and Charles E. Beecher.—Zinc-bearing spring waters from Missouri, by W. F. Hillerbrand. The chief constituent salt in the spring in question is zinc sulphate. It forms about 56 per cent, of the total dissolved solids.—A meteorite from Central Pennsylvania, by Prof. W. G. Owens. A chemical analysis of the meteorite gave Fe 91˙36, Ni 7˙56, Co 0˙70, P 0˙09, S 0˙06, Si trace = 99˙77.—On two meteoric irons, by G. F. Kunz and E. Weinschenk. One of the masses examined came from Indian Valley Township, Floyd County, Virginia; the other from Sierra de la Ternera, Province of Atacama, Chili.—The molecular masses of dextrine and gum arabic as detrmined by their osmotic pressures, by C.E. Linebarger. The molecular masses of dextrine and gum arabic as determined by their osmotic pressures, by C. E. Line-barger. The molecular mass of gum arabic is found to be about 2500, of dextrine 1134, and of colloid tungstic acid 1750. In each of these three cases the colloid molecule is seven times the simple molecule.
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