The B3LYP and M06-L functionals with the cc-pVTZ basis set are used to study lantern-type binuclear complexes of all the first-row (3d block) metals scandium to zinc in various low-energy spin states, out of which the ground states are predicted. These complexes are studied as models using mostly the unsubstituted formamidinate ligand. For each metal, metal-metal (MM) bond lengths are related to the formal MM bond orders (zero to five), derived by MO analysis and by electron counting. The predicted ground-state spin multiplicities and MM bond lengths of the model complexes generally agree fairly well with available experimental results on substituted analogues. Finally, values of the formal shortness ratio and Wiberg index for the MM bonds in all of these complexes in all spin states studied are categorized into ranges according to the MM bond orders 0 to 5 in steps of 0.5. The trends shown validate their use in estimating intrinsic metal-metal bond strength regardless of the metal.
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