An exactly soluble model, in which fermions in a many-body system interact through the exchange of a massive boson, is investigated. The model deals with the linear coupling of a neutral scalar meson field to fermion density fluctuations. These density fluctuations, or particle-hole excitations, are treated within the framework of the random phase approximation (RPA), while the meson degrees of freedom are treated exactly. Within the RPA, we obtain coupled oscillator equations of motion, which are subjected to a normal mode analysis. A dispersion relation for the normal mode energies is obtained, and the operators which create the properly “dressed” particle-hole and meson modes are constructed. The density-density correlation function and the meson Green's function are calculated exactly. The structure of the Green's functions is also explored from the point of view of their coupled equations of motion, which can be decoupled and solved in the RPA model. We also calculate the exact interaction energy, the scattering matrix for particle-hole pairs and the number of mesons produced by the interaction.
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