The contribution of ultraslow self-diffusion of polycrystalline benzene molecules to the spin-lattice relaxation of protons is studied as a function of effective magnetic field H2 in a doubly rotating frame (DRF). Proton relaxation time T1ρρ is measured by direct recording of NMR in a rotating frame (RF). The effective fields have a “magic” orientation corresponding to angles arccos(1/√3) in the RF and π/2 in the DRF so that the secular part of the dipole-dipole interactions of protons is suppressed in two orders of perturbation theory, while the nonsecular part becomes predominant. It is found that the diffusion contribution of benzene molecules to proton relaxation time T1ρρ is a linear function of the square of field H2 and exhibits all peculiarities typical of the model of strong collisions generalized to only fluctuating nonsecular dipole interactions in fields exceeding the local field. This means that the model can also be employed in the given conditions. It is shown that perfect agreement with such a dependence can also be obtained in the model of weak collisions if we take into account the concept of the locally effective quantization field, whose magnitude and direction are controlled by the vector sum of field H2, and the nonsecular local field perpendicular to it.
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