The group V( ZS3) of units of augmentation 1 in ZS3 is characterized as the group of all doubly stochastic matrices in GL(3, Z). Two normal complements are presented, one of which is torsion free while the other contains elements of order 2. Hughes and Pearson [3] characterized the group V = V(ZS3) of units of argmentation 1 in ZS3 by showing that V is isomorphic to the subgroup of GL(2, Z) consisting of matrices whose column sums are 1 modulo 3. Their approach was to construct a 6 X 6 matrix from a full set of irreducible representations of S3, invert the matrix, then solve a system of six linear congruences modulo 6. The same approach, with slight modifications, was used subsequently by Polcino Milies [4] to describe units in ZD4 and by the authors [1] to describe units in ZA4. In this paper we use a different method to obtain a new description of V(ZS3) as the group of all doubly stochastic matrices in GL(3, Z). Working in GL(3, Z) instead of GL(2, Z) permits us to exploit the fact that a convex combination of permutation matrices is always doubly stochastic; it is not necessary to invert a 6 x 6 matrix or to solve a system of linear congruences. It is well known that S3 has a torsion free normal complement in V(ZS3). (This is a special case of a theorem of Passman and Smith [6] and of a more general theorem of Cliff, Sehgal, and Weiss [2].) On the other hand, it is easy to see that the doubly stochastic matrices which are the identity modulo 2 are a normal complement to S3 in our presentation, and that this complement contains elements of order 2. We represent S3 = Ka,b la2 = b= 1 and a-lba = b2) by 0 1 0 0 1 0 p(a)=A=1 10 0 p(b) = B =0 0 1 ?0 O l1 0 0 and extend p linearly to ZS3. Whenever a = Ecija'bJ E ZS3, it is clear that Coo + C12, col + clo, C02 + Cl1 (1) P(a)= C02 + Clo ,coo + C11, Co0 + C12 Coi + Cll, C02 + C12, Coo + C10 In addition, if a is a unit of augmentation 1, then p(a) is clearly a doubly stochastic matrix in GL(3, Z). Received by the editors December 9, 1985. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 20C05: Secondary 20C10. ?1987 American Mathematical Society 0002-9939/87 $1.00 + $.25 per page
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