The stopping power of a material upon interaction with an energetic ion is the key measure of how far that ion will travel. The implications of accurate particle range calculations are tremendous, affecting every single application in which particle radiation is involved, from nuclear power to medicine. An approach is presented which attempts to overcome current shortcomings in the theoretical understanding of stopping power, as well as the methods used to interpret and exploit measured data. This is a considerable challenge, however the use of a novel machine learning methodology is shown to hold great promise in this endeavour: the ultimate aim being the ability to correctly predict the stopping value for any energy, ion and target combination, having no pre-existing experimental data.A random forest regression algorithm is trained using over 34,000 experimental measurements, representing stopping power values for 522 ion-target combinations across the energy range 10-3 to 102 MeV/amu, and ion and target atomic masses 1 to >240. Evaluation is carried out using several fundamental error metrics, over the whole dataset as well as for individual combinations, to provide the most comprehensive understanding of performance when tested under strict cross-validation criteria. The resulting model is shown to yield predicted stopping power curves corresponding closely to those of the true experimental values, with an ability to generalise across target elements, compounds, mixtures, alloys and polymers, irrespective of phase, and for a wide range of ion masses.
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