Previous articleNext article No AccessKarl Marx on the Economic Role of ScienceNathan RosenbergNathan Rosenberg Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Journal of Political Economy Volume 82, Number 4Jul. - Aug., 1974 Article DOI Views: 78Total views on this site Citations: 22Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1974 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:John P. Nelson Differential “progressibility” in human know-how: A conceptual overview, Research Policy 52, no.22 (Mar 2023): 104663. Walsh Marx, subsumption and the critique of innovation, Organization 30, no.22 (May 2021): 345–360. References, (Dec 2021): 165–195. Nuvolari, Masayuki Tanimoto Proximate Sources of Growth: Capital and Technology, 1700–1870, (Jun 2021): 312–338. Cammack Marx on Social Reproduction, Historical Materialism 28, no.22 (May 2020): 76–106. Smart, Stefan Hemel, Fiona Lettice, Richard Adams, Stephen Evans Pre-paradigmatic status of industrial sustainability: a systematic review, International Journal of Operations & Production Management 37, no.1010 (Oct 2017): 1425–1450. Acosta, Daniel Coronado, Esther Ferrándiz, M. Dolores León, Pedro J. Moreno The geography of university scientific production in Europe: an exploration in the field of Food Science and Technology, Scientometrics 112, no.11 (Mar 2017): 215–240. Diego Spíndola, João Policarpo Rodrigues Lima, Ana Cristina Fernandes, , , Interação Universidade-Empresa: o caso do setor sucroalcooleiro de Pernambuco, Economia e Sociedade 24, no.11 (Apr 2015): 121–149. De Liso From mechanical arts to the philosophy of technology, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 22, no.77 (Oct 2013): 726–750. P. Murmann The co-development of industrial sectors and academic disciplines, Science and Public Policy 40, no.22 (Nov 2012): 229–246. Martinelli An emerging paradigm or just another trajectory? Understanding the nature of technological changes using engineering heuristics in the telecommunications switching industry, Research Policy 41, no.22 (Mar 2012): 414–429. Harvey The role of innovation systems in the commercialization of biotechnology, (Jan 2012): 55–87. Peter Murmann The Co-Development of Industrial Sectors and Academic Disciplines, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2012). Hollander On the Marxian entrepreneur: Karl Marx's abandonment of the doctrine of exploitation under industrial capitalism, International Critical Thought 1, no.44 (Dec 2011): 444–455. Roth Marx on technical change in the critical edition, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 17, no.55 (Dec 2010): 1223–1251. Antonelli The economics of innovation: from the classical legacies to the economics of complexity, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 18, no.77 (Oct 2009): 611–646. Fagerberg, Bart Verspagen Innovation studies—The emerging structure of a new scientific field, Research Policy 38, no.22 (Mar 2009): 218–233. Nureev , Voprosy Ekonomiki , no.99 ( 2007): 87. Warner An information dynamic: technologies for the reproduction of written utterances, Aslib Proceedings 57, no.55 (Oct 2005): 412–423. Nightingale Technological capabilities, invisible infrastructure and the un-social construction of predictability: the overlooked fixed costs of useful research, Research Policy 33, no.99 (Nov 2004): 1259–1284. Ricoy Marx on division of labour, mechanization and technical progress, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 10, no.11 (Oct 2010): 47–79. L. Khalil The Implication for Socialism of Marx's Theory of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall, Journal of the History of Economic Thought 16, no.22 (Jun 2009): 292–309.
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