We call a continuous map f:X→Ynowhere constant if it is not constant on any non-empty open subset of its domain X. Clearly, this is equivalent with the assumption that every fiber f−1(y) of f is nowhere dense in X. We call the continuous map f:X→Ypseudo-open if for each nowhere dense Z⊂Y its inverse image f−1(Z) is nowhere dense in X. Clearly, if Y is crowded, i.e. has no isolated points, then f is nowhere constant.The aim of this paper is to study the following, admittedly imprecise, question: How “small” nowhere constant, resp. pseudo-open continuous images can “large” spaces have? Our main results yield the following two precise answers to this question, explaining also our title. Both of them involve the cardinal function cˆ(X), the “hat version” of cellularity, which is defined as the smallest cardinal κ such that there is no κ-sized disjoint family of open sets in X. Thus, for instance, cˆ(X)=ω1 means that X is CCC.THEOREM A. Any crowded Tychonov space X has a crowded Tychonov nowhere constant continuous image Y of weight w(Y)≤cˆ(X). Moreover, in this statement ≤ may be replaced with < iff there are no cˆ(X)-Suslin lines (or trees).THEOREM B. Any crowded Tychonov space X has a crowded Tychonov pseudo-open continuous image Y of weight w(Y)≤2<cˆ(X). If Martin's axiom holds then there is a CCC crowded Tychonov space X such that for any crowded Hausdorff pseudo-open continuous image Y of X we have w(Y)≥c(=2<ω1).
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