En At the beginning of October 2005 in (Western Sicily) the Louis Vuitton cup preliminaries will take place. This event, giving an important chance to develop the whole area, conflicts with another point of view: the one (i.e. Louis Vuitton cup preliminary regattas), for a territorial restyling and land development without any respect of EU and national laws. In contrast the other one tries to protect cultural, landscape and the natural wellbeing of the whole area; thoroughly respecting the law and it's legalities as well as environmental protection principles. Indeed, the land development for the Louis Vuitton cup, insists that the natural reserve Trapani and Paceco's Salt saltworks system, is becoming an obstacle for developing the coastal area. Works are leading to the reduction of some Posidonia beds, the Calendula maritime habitat, (which is an important endemic species in the Reserve) and in general, modification of the extension of many habitat patches which represent an important ecological corridor for the transient avifauna to and from Africa. Environmental organizations and National Guard actions against the development have concurred. Up until now, the negative actions against the environment and the saltworks systems are in control. This precedent is destined to continue also after the sports event. It Sara (Sicilia occidentale) il teatro dei preliminari della Louis Vuitton cup che si svolgera all’inizio dell’ottobre 2005. Tale evento, pur offrendo un’importante occasione En At the beginning of October 2005 in (Western Sicily) the Louis Vuitton cup preliminaries will take place. This event, giving an important chance to develop the whole area, conflicts with another point of view: the one (i.e. Louis Vuitton cup preliminary regattas), for a territorial restyling and land development without any respect of EU and national laws. In contrast ... Sq Ne fillim te Tetorit 2005 do te zhvillohen ne (Siciline Perendimore) eleminatoret e kupes Louis Vuiton . Aktiviteti, qe eshte nje shans i madh per zhvillimin e gjithe zones Ro La inceputul lunii octombrie 2005 vor avea loc in (vestul Siciliei) preliminariile cupei Louis Vuitton. Chiar daca acest eveniment, respectiv preliminariile cupei pentru regata El Στην αρχή τον Οκτωβρίου του 2005 στο Τrapani (δυτική Σικeλία) θα πραγματοποιηθούν τα προκαταρκτικά του κυπέλλου Louis Vuitton. Αυτό το γeγονός, δίνοντας μια σημαντικής eυκαιρία να αναπτυχθeί ολόκληρη η πeριοχή, συγκρούeται μe μια άλλη άποψη: Η πρώτη άποψη, τα Προκαταρκτικά κυπέλλου ιστιοπλοΐας του Louis Vuitton, αποβλέπeι σe eδαφικές αναδομήσeις και στην βeλτίωση Bg В началото на Октомври 2005 в Трапани (Западна Сицилия) ще се проведе предварителният кръг на регатата Louis Vuitton. Това събитие, което е от значение за развитието на цялата област, противоречи на друга концепция: шампионата Louis Vuitton подкрепя идеята за преструктуриране в териториалното развитие без да се съобразява с европейското и национално законодателство, докато алтернативната концепция