Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains a leading cause of maternal mortality globally, claiming approximately 70,000 lives annually. Despite preventive efforts, high-income countries, including Canada, have reported increasing rates of PPH. The rising incidence and associated complications indicate improved emergency nursing practices in managing PPH are needed. Methods: PPH guidelines from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Federation of International Gynecologists and Obstetricians, and the Canadian Association of Perinatal, and Women’s Health Nurses were compared to National Emergency Nurses Association guidelines. The competencies, medications, and obstetric maneuvers for PPH that may be relevant to emergency nurses were extracted and categorized for the emergency nursing HIRAID (History & Red flags, Assessment, Interventions, & Diagnosis) framework. Findings/Results: We found 13 discrete skills across the PPH guideline recommendations that are applicable to emergency nurses. There is near perfect overlap in medical recommendations, but gaps exist between FIGO and SOGC guidelines and NENA and CAPWHN guidelines. There are SOGC and FIGO guidelines that apply to emergency nurses that are not addressed in NENA guidelines, Discussion: There was significant overlap on treatment recommendations from maternal health bodies such as uterotonic drugs, hemorrhage control, and hemostatic resuscitation. There were significant gaps in NENA recommendations. Conclusion: The comparison of PPH guidelines highlights where NENA guidelines need further detail. These skills are particularly significant for providing nursing care in rural and remote areas. Standardized protocols for PPH management, interprofessional collaboration, and regular competency assessments are included in most guidelines but are conspicuously absent for emergency nurses. To address the gap, NENA could integrate national emergency nursing PPH competencies standards or develop recommendations for the care of maternal emergencies.