The use of devices to test for errors is a necessity for many companies, especially those that are being developed programs to improve performance of manufacturing processes, in this article, the implementation of Quality Management Systems (SGQ) of companies the domestic market in the aerospace industry. One way of achieving this goal can be achieved through the implementation and use of the PDCA cycle as a tool Poka Yoke, and this is a long established concept by Japanese companies as an effective tool to achieve zero defect and, if proposed SGQ one, eliminating the possibility of recurrence of the error factor. The main premise is linked to the concept PDCA ";Acting on a planned, controlled, and respond continuously, repeatedly and, as the concept of Poka Yoke is that human error is unavoidable, but can be eliminated by preventing that a failure will to become a defect in the case and PDCA, to be repeated. This article describes the concepts involving the PDCA cycle, its basic functions and methods that can be used to prevent and detect errors and defects. Which are also exploited the main difficulties encountered in the implementation of the concepts related to PDCA, and the needs of cultural adaptation and involvement of people.
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