Abstract: Background: Chronic empyema thoracis (CET) is common in developing and developed countries despite advancement in diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. Some of the cases of CET can be managed with antibiotics and tube drainage alone, some of them managed with less extensive surgical procedure like video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) or open decortication alone, while some of the complicated cases need extensive decortication and debridement of necrotic lung tissue or lobectomy. Our aim is to present our experience of management of cases of chronic empyema thoracis in children. Methods and Material: This is a retrospective observational study of cases, managed at tertiary care center with chronic empyema thoracis. Records of cases of CET admitted, referred or transferred to department of pediatric surgery at our center over last three years were studied. Demographic data, clinical, radiological profile, surgical/ non-surgical intervention, hospital stay, aetiology, outcome was analysed. Follow up was up to the last recorded outpatient visit. This study is a retrospective observational study with small number of cases statistical tool are not used to draw any statistical interference. Results: Twenty-nine cases with median age 3 years, male to female ratio was 25:4 were admitted over three years. Pre-operative bronchopleural fistula was seen in four. Five cases were managed conservatively, twenty underwent decortication alone while four cases required decortication along with lobectomy. Tuberculosis was detected in three cases. A pyogenic organism was identified in ten cases only. Post-operative ventilation was required in three patients. There was no mortality. All thrived well at 12-18 months follow up. Conclusions: Management of chronic empyema should be case based. Cases of CET in children can managed with conservative (with appropriate drainage of cavity, proper antibiotics, and nutritional build-up of child), thoracotomy and decortications alone or some time removal of disease lung also required depending on clinical and radiological finding of cases.