In the current state of digitalization researchers have found a leading-edge technology that delivers information to users from the digital machine and vice-versa and i.e. Natural Language Processing (NLP), one of an AI branch that made a difference. NLP is a computational representation and analysis of human language, which globally aims to facilitate naturally occurring interaction between computers and individuals whether phonically, calligraphically or textual. NLP has various booming sides in advanced world and has expands its applications in different domains. One of its application Speech recognition is a large field of research for modern-day researchers. Speech recognition, also known as automatic speech recognition (ASR) or speech-to-text, is capable of handling human speech in a written format. The main focus is on development of recognition system which enhances human-to-human communication by permitting man-machine communication through the processing of texts or speeches. It is a technology that makes it possible for people to communicate with devices. Several applications of voice recognition systems are in place and all understand diverse scrutiny challenges.This paper captures the necessity of how speech recognition actually functions, types of model, resolving challenges of ASR. Deep study on functioning of Alexa and Siri.
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