A method for solving integral equations is developed and applied to the homogeneous Lippmann-Schwinger equation in momentum space. It has been used with Yukawa-type potentials, V(r)=\ensuremath{\Sigma}, and yields solutions that are analytic expressions rational in the variable ${k}^{2}$. More specifically, the principal-value form of the homogeneous Lippmann-Schwinger equation is solved by making an analytic series expansion of the integral, which is then summed using Pad\'e approximants. An application to the Malfliet-Tjon potential V in s wave is given. In a finite subspace of rational functions with fixed denominators, the solutions, referred to as Sturmian functions, are obtained corresponding to the energy -0.35 MeV, which is the physical bound state energy for this potential. With these analytic eigenfunctions as form factors and with the associated eigenvalues, a separable expansion, namely, the unitary pole expansion, is constructed for the local potential. The unitary pole expansion is then used for analytic k-matrix calculations. At intermediate energies through ${E}_{\mathrm{c}.\mathrm{m}.}$=666 MeV, and at ultrahigh momenta, as the rank of the unitary pole expansion approaches 13, analytic wave functions (or, equivalently, half-shell k matrices) and phase shifts are found that are in good agreement with exact results.This is in accord with our observation that separable expansions should not be regarded as low energy approximations, but instead are finite l approximations, for the following reason. For the class of potentials we consider, the partial wave two-body operators ${V}_{l}$(p,q), ${t}_{l}$(p,q,E), and ${k}_{l}$(p,q,E) are compact even though V(r), T(p,q,E), and K(p,q,E) are not compact. Therefore, in principle, these partial wave operators can be approximated by sequences of separable expansions which converge to them in norm. We show that the unitary pole expansion may be such a sequence. There is a practical need for analytic separable expansions that converge more rapidly. In this light we illustrate how our solutions can be used with the Ernst-Shakin-Thaler formulation of separable expansions, and we also discuss the application of our method to the calculation of Gamow states.
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