The Task Force on Malaria Research CapabilityStrengthening (RCS) in Africa, coordinated by the UnitedNations Development Programme, the World Bank, and theWorld Health Organization (WHO) Special Programme forResearch and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR),represents a collaborative funding strategy in which multipleagencies and governments promote capacity-building activi-ties in the context of the Multilateral Initiative for Malaria inAfrica (MIM). This task force was established to promotehuman resource development and strengthen researchcapacity in malaria-endemic countries.A total of 112 proposals involving 42 countries (25 fromAfrica) and over 200 partner institutions/research groupshave been reviewed since the program’s inception in 1998.The proposals covered a wide range of aspects of malariaresearch, including the clinical and molecular basis of drugresistance, drug policy, immune responses to
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