The transport properties of one-dimensional Fermi gases at low temperatures are often described by the Luttinger liquid (LL) model. However, to study dissipative effects, one needs to examine interactions beyond the LL model. In this work, we provide a simple model that allows for a direct microscopic calculation of the bulk viscosity, namely, the one-dimensional spin polarized $p$-wave Fermi gas. To leading order in the finite interaction strength, we find that the bulk viscosity is finite and consistent with the requirement of scale symmetry. We further show that the bulk viscosity satisfies the Bose-Fermi duality relating the weakly interacting limit of the spin polarized Fermi gas to the strongly interacting limit of the Lieb-Liniger model and vice versa. This work establishes the bulk viscosity to leading order in scale-breaking interactions in both the strongly and weakly interacting limits for both high and low temperatures.
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