AbstractIn order to consider an asymmetric field distribution inside a cylindrical tube with a circular cross section, with the field magni-tude maximum reached at a point different from the geometrical centre of the tube, we propose a new solution obtained in bi-cylin-drical coordinates. If the parameter a of the system is very large, the solution approaches the well known symmetric Lundquistsolution. The new solution models a field magnitude shift due to relative motion of the cylinder and the ambient solar wind. Ifthe cylinder is moving much faster than the ambient medium, its field maximum is shifted forward, otherwise it is shifted in theopposite direction. 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Magnetic clouds; Modelling; Interplanetary magnetic field 1. IntroductionForce-free interpretation of interplanetary magneticclouds showed a good agreement with observation fora number of events, starting from analysis by Burlaga(1988), where an axially symmetric linear solution byLundquist (1950) was used. On the other hand not allclouds can be treated as axially symmetric. In Vandasand Romashets (2003) a linear force-free solution forclouds with an elliptic cross section was derived. Sincethe ratio b of plasma pressure over magnetic pressureis sometimes high enough, some investigators developedand applied non-force-free models for data interpreta-tion (e.g., Mulligan and Russell, 2001; Hidalgo et al.,2002a,b; Ruzmaikin et al., 2003; Russell and Mulligan,2003). Such solutions contain additional parameters,which surely lead to better agreement between modelsand observations. Here we propose two new solutions,one force-free and one non-force-free. Depending onthe averaged b in a magnetic cloud, one can use a formeror a latter one. The both solutions can be regarded asgeneralizations of the Lundquist solution, because theiradditional parameters characterize deviations from it.So there is a natural link between fits obtained earlierby the Lundquist solution and fits by our new models.2. ModelIn order to consider an asymmetric field distributioninside a cylindrical tube, with the field magnitude maxi-mum reached at a point different from the geometricalcentre of the tube, it is convenient to use bi-cylindricalcoordinates l, g, and Z, which are related to the Carte-sian coordinates by the following relationships (see, e.g.,Moon and Spencer, 1961):x ¼asingcoshl cosg; ð1Þy ¼asinhlcoshl cosg; ð2Þ
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