The Siddha system of medicine is one of the classical Tamil systems of medicine. According to this system of medicine, Thandagavatham is one of the Vaatha diseases with the clinical features of pain in the lumbar region and para-spinal region. This condition may be correlated to lumbar retrolisthesis. A case report of Thandaga vatham (lumbar retrolisthesis) was documented for publication. A male patient of 19 years had suffered pain in the lower back and right sacroiliac region radiating to the right thigh. He could not walk for long distances, sit for a prolonged time and lie on his right lateral position for more than 6 months. He came for Siddha treatment in Varma Maruthuvam OPD of Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospital (APH), National Institute of Siddha. He had a history of allopathic treatment for this condition. Modern medicine management available for lumbar retrolisthesis is physiotherapy and the severe cases need surgery. In this clinical study, the patient was managed with Varmam therapy and Kombarakku Ottradamin at the Varmam Department of the National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. The patient was treated for 48 days and had decreased pain and a limited range of motion was evaluated clinically by using the Oswestry low back pain scale.
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