The basic problem of measuring the angular dependence ofreflection coefficient in solids is the d•culty of steering around the acoustic tmun. Although pure dectronic scanning is posablc too, only some kind of mechanical solution seems to be practicable. As for mechanical scanning, we may choose to movc the transduce• along a curved surface, •$., a cylindrical one, a;ming the beam at the same point in the center and hitting the interface plane on the axis of the cylinder at different angles of incidence. On the other hand, we may choose to move the transducer along a plane surface using some device to convert his motion into rotation around the given interface point. Former experiments • howed that mechanical scanners based on the first method are inevitably very sensitive to mechanical misalignments and acceptable reproducibility can be achieved only by rather expensive and highly sophisticated quipment. We found it simpler to move the transducer along a plane surface and to convert this movement into rotation by a diffraction grating (geometrical means, such as a paraboloid reflector, are much more difficult to machine). The geometrical arrangement of the diffraction scanner is shown in Fig. 1. The aluminum scanner was designed so that it could measure reflection coelficients in a relatively large angular range between 30 and 60 deg. The two similar broadband contact transducers are moved symmetrically to the center. Their perpendicular alignment with respect o the grating is ensured by two simple rails. The angle of incidence of the through-transmitted signal is uniquely determined by the positions of the transducers and easily calculated from the measured distance between them. The output Sj_enal iS ira/ted to the •l•t burst arriving before many stray pulses due to multiple reflections. Only certain frequency components diffracted into the right direction reach the receiver in th• first burst, therefore, in spite of using broadband transducers, the measurement iS limited to a rather narrow bandwidth which changes with the angle of incidence. Although the elastic parameters are usually frequency independent inthe low MHz range, the interface between the two media is of•n some kind of thin layer with different acoustical properties from both neighboring media, which may result in frequencydependent behavior. To determine the reflection coefficient in aluminum for a particular acoustic load (including the second medium and the separating interface), we compare the level of the output signal with that of one received from an unloaded, i.e., free surface. The calcnlated reflection coefficient and the measured output signal for free surface are shown in Fig. 2. The difference between the two curves is due to such factors as the frequency response of the transducers, changing diffraction efficiency of the grating at different frequencies, and for different orders ofdiffruction, frequencyand distancedependent attenuation due to beam divergence and absorption. All of these factors are constant parameters of the scanner and can be taken into consideration by calibrating the system in the case of free surface (using the calculated, but probably fairly accurate data for aluminum ).
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