One possible way of achieving more efficient and environmentally friendly use of fuels is to develop domestic high-efficient low-emission power equipment, in particular, compact hot-water boilers in self-contained heat supply systems. Increasing the boiler efficiency entails the need to decrease the flue gas temperature, which, in turn, can be achieved by installing additional heating surfaces. The reliability and environmental safety of boiler operation depends in many respects on burner devices. The aim of this work is to determine the basic design solutions for a 3 MW high-efficient hot water boiler firing crude oil and to develop a modern low-emission burner for it. High-efficient performance of the boiler is achieved by using an external topping economizer, a solution that makes it possible to reduce the boiler sizes, to facilitate the equipment layout within the limited space of a modular boiler house, and almost completely eliminate low-temperature corrosion of the heat transfer surfaces. The study results were used as a basis for designing the structural components of an external economizer arranged above the boiler in a modular boiler house, and for designing a new combined low-emission burner. Both the newly designed economizer and burner have a number of advantages over their foreign analogs and have successfully passed factory tests.