Objective: substantiation the rational concept of increasing the braking capacity of the industrial locomotive in transient modes of train movement, taking into account the force factor in its coupling device. Methodology of the work: theoretical studies of the energy from the deformation of the coupling devices of the industrial locomotive in the transient modes of train movement; theoretical studies of excessive coupling of locomotive wheels with rails in the presence of force on the locomotive's coupling device; determination of kinematic and dynamic parameters of the transient mode of train movement. A mathematical model of the train motion transitory process has been developed, it using the example of locomotive braking process, which allows determining the current values of train element velocities, as well as coupling forces, and has a low average discrepancy with the data of the technological calculation of industrial locomotive. Fixed: the force on the coupling device of the locomotive changes with a high frequency. The braking process is conventionally divided into 3 stages, which are characterized by oscillations, stabilization and a drop in clutch force; the energy corresponding to the change in force in the clutch during braking falls on 90.5% of the first and second stages. Taking into account the obtained results, the conceptual adjustment of the force of the coupling of the wheel pairs of the locomotive with the rails at the level of the maximum forces in the coupling device of the locomotive, determined by the simulation results, is adopted. Scientific novelty: improvement of the method of determining the required force of the traction the wheels of locomotive with the rails by taking into account the energy corresponding to the change in the effort in the coupling device of the locomotive during the braking time of the train. Practical value: the development of an improved concept by regulating the force the traction of locomotive wheel pairs with rails in transient modes of train movement, taking into account the energy assessment of the effort in the locomotive's coupling device.