Octodontids are South American caviomorph rodents endemic to mesic and arid biomes displaying a wide range of substrate preferences, from terrestrial to subterranean habits. However, the hind limb morphology of these rodents remain relatively poorly understudied, particularly from an ecomorphological perspective. To investigate the association between hind limb morphology and substrate preference—epigean, semifossorial, fossorial, and subterranean— this study analyzed six skeletal measurements of femur and tibia, along with five morphological indices. We employed phylogenetic mapping, allometry, and multivariate analyses (Phylogentic Flexible Discriminant and Principal Component analyses) on log-transformed variables and indices. The results suggest that the epigeans and subterraneans possess hind limb skeletal features that enhance their mechanical capabilities, which are advantageous for their respective lifestyles. However, in the absence of clear behavioral adaptations or associations, the functional habits of Octodontidae do not requires significant structural modifications of the proximal bones of the hind limbs. These results indicate that understanding the form-function relationship in octodontids requires direct field or laboratory observations of behavior and environmental interactions, highlighting the limitations of current research without such data.
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