At present, there is a high emergencies probability in the electric power system as an electrical equipment failures result caused primarily by the objectively existing ageing and its service life significant exhaustion. Emergencies arising from electrical equipment failures lead to the dynamic stability violation of power systems and power system load nodes by voltage, cascading accidents and, as a result, technological processes disruption of consumer enterprises, which is accompanied by significant losses. One of the ways to prevent sudden failures or minimise the risk of their occurrence is to ensure rational and efficient operation management and reduce the operating equipment cost without risking a decrease in the power system reliability. To solve the optimal distribution problems of power company operating costs, taking into account the objectively existing limiting factors, a generalised balance sheet model of cost allocation by electrical equipment groups and units is proposed, which is a total costs function of an operating factors number. Mathematical models for calculating the electrical equipment share participation coefficients in the costs formation for its repair and maintenance for each of the identified factors have been obtained. A linguistic mathematical model for determining generalised estimates of the electrical equipment units and groups significance degree in the repair and maintenance costs distribution formation, taking into account the main operational factors, has been proposed. An algorithm and software for modelling the modes of the electric power system with an electrical connections scheme of electric networks with a 35-330 kV voltage have been developed to assess the operation risk index and power company repair and maintenance costs distribution. The estimated power company repair and maintenance costs distribution according to the current technical equipment characteristics and power system subsystem modes was performed.
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