Predicting thermoacoustic instabilities requires knowledge of the flame response to acoustic perturbations, which is characterized by the Impulse Response Function. Obtaining stability maps across an extensive parameter space is prohibitively costly with existing methods, both experimentally and numerically, as the data records must be obtained independently for each stationary operating condition. To address this problem, a nonparametric identification technique that enables the characterization of instantaneous Flame Transfer Functions (FTFs) under nonstationary operating conditions, based on a series expansion of the time-varying impulse response function (TV-IRF), is proposed. The technique is a direct extension of the Wiener-Hopf equation to nonstationary signals, yielding the linear minimum mean squared error estimator (LMMSEE) of the TV-IRF. This method is applied to data obtained from a model of a premixed, hydrogen-enriched swirl flame. It's hydrogen power fraction is rapidly varied from 12-43% over 100 milliseconds and the flame response to a band-limited, white-noise signal is computed. From the resulting input-output data, the TV-IRF is accurately estimated and the FTF for all hydrogen power fractions is obtained from a single data record. This method paves the way for cost-effective estimation of a map of FTF's from computational or experimental data, significantly reducing expenses in both cases.