Dedicated model tests were carried out to investigate the hydrodynamic force coefficients in surge for a pontoon that is designed to support a floating bridge. The experiments were carried out by oscillating the pontoon at various Keulegan–Carpenter (KC) numbers and oscillation periods in forced motion. A pontoon designed for the floating bridge in Bjørnarfjorden, Norway, is investigated herein. Several numerical simulations are performed to supplement the experiments. The estimated damping coefficients in surge are of significant importance at the first horizontal resonant mode of the floating bridge, which may be excited due to swell sea in the fjord. The first horizontal resonant mode of the floating bridge is around 15–16 s. The model tests were conducted with and without turbulence triggers. A finding from the model tests were that turbulence triggers did not prove to be necessary to eliminate model scale effects in oscillatory flow.The KC-dependent added mass and damping coefficient in oscillatory flow is investigated. The added mass and damping coefficients are clearly KC-dependent. The wave radiation damping in surge is small at the tested oscillation periods, and the damping in surge is dominated by the damping due to flow separation.Numerical simulations using a hybrid potential flow-CFD solver with linear free-surface conditions, PVC3D, are carried out with both linear and nonlinear body-boundary conditions. The simulations with nonlinear body-boundary conditions predict the hydrodynamic force coefficients with reasonable accuracy, whilst the simulations with linear body-boundary conditions fail to predict the hydrodynamic coefficients with the desired accuracy — both used to investigate the viscous damping which arises due to flow separation along the pontoon body.