We investigate the structure of rank-to-rank elementary embeddings at successor rank, working in \mathrm{ZF} set theory without the Axiom of Choice. Recall that the set-theoretic universe is naturally stratified by the cumulative hierarchy, whose levels V_\alpha are defined via iterated application of the power set operation, starting from V_0=\emptyset , setting V_{\alpha+1}=\mathcal{P}(V_\alpha) , and taking unions at limit stages. Assuming that j:V_{\alpha+1}\to V_{\alpha+1} is a (non-trivial) elementary embedding, we show that V_\alpha is fundamentally different from V_{\alpha+1} : we show that j is definable from parameters over V_{\alpha+1} iff \alpha+1 is an odd ordinal. The definability is uniform in odd \alpha+1 and j . We also give a characterization of elementary j:V_{\alpha+2}\to V_{\alpha+2} in terms of ultrapower maps via certain ultrafilters. For limit ordinals \lambda , we prove that if j:V_\lambda\to V_\lambda is \Sigma_1 -elementary, then j is not definable over V_\lambda from parameters, and if \beta<\lambda and j:V_\beta\to V_\lambda is fully elementary and \in -cofinal, then j is likewise not definable. If there is a Reinhardt cardinal, then for all sufficiently large ordinals \alpha , there is indeed an elementary j:V_\alpha\to V_\alpha , and therefore the cumulative hierarchy is eventually periodic (with period 2).