In this article we have used stochastic gravitational wave background as a unique probe to gain insight regarding the creation mechanism of primordial black holes. We have considered the cumulative gravitational wave background which consists of the primary part coming from the creation mechanism of the primordial black holes and the secondary part coming from the different mechanisms the primordial black holes go through. We have shown that in the presence of light or ultra light scalar bosons, superradiant instability generates the secondary part of the gravitational wave background which is the most detectable. In order to show the unique features of the cumulative background, we have consdiered the delayed vacuum decay during a first order phase transition as the origin of primordial black holes. We have shown the dependence of the features of the cumulative background, such as the mass of the relevant light scalars, peak frequencies, etc. on the transition parameters. We have also generated the cumulative background for a few benchmark cases to further illustrate our claim.
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