The future electron-proton collider proposals, LHeC and FCC-he, can deliver $\mathcal{O}$(TeV) center-of-mass energy collisions, higher than most of the proposed lepton accelerators, with $\mathcal{O}$(ab$^{-1}$) luminosity, while maintaining a much cleaner experimental environment as compared to the hadron machines. This unique capability of $e^- p$ colliders can be harnessed in probing BSM scenarios giving final states that look like hadronic noise at $pp$ machines. In the present study, we explore the prospects of detecting such a prompt signal having multiple soft jets at the LHeC. Such a signal can come from the decay of gluino in RPV or Stealth SUSY, where there exists a gap in the current experimental search with $m_{\tilde{g}} \approx 50 - 70$ GeV. We perform a simple analysis to demonstrate that, with simple signal selection cuts, we can close this gap at the LHeC at 95 % confidence level, even in the presence of a reasonable systematic error. More sophisticated signal selection strategies and detailed knowledge of the detector can be used to improve the prospects of signal detection.
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