Motivated by ongoing new physics searches in the top-quark sector at the Large Hadron Collider we report on the calculation of NLO QCD corrections to the Standard Model pp → toverline{t}Z + X process in the tetra-lepton decay channel. This calculation is based on the matrix elements for the {e}^{+}{nu}_e{mu}^{-}{overline{nu}}_{mu }boverline{b}{tau}^{+}{tau}^{-} final state and includes all resonant and non-resonant Feynman diagrams, interferences and off-shell effects of the top quark as well as the W and Z gauge bosons. Also incorporated are photon-induced contributions. As it is customary for such studies, we show theoretical predictions for both fixed and dynamical factorisation and renormalisation scale choices and different PDF sets. Furthermore, we study the main theoretical uncertainties that are associated with neglected higher-order terms in the perturbative expansion and with the parameterisation of the PDF sets. In order to investigate the size of off-shell effects and higher-order corrections in top-quark decays, we perform a second computation for this process, which is based on the narrow-width-approximation where the top quarks, W and Z gauge bosons are kept on-shell. Results are given for the integrated and differential fiducial cross sections for the LHC Run II center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV.
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