To examine the effects of hybridization and environmental stress on developmental instability, we examined fluctuating asymmetry (FA), the variance in random deviations from perfect symmetry in bilaterally symmetrical traits, for leaf symmetry in a Salix hybrid system. An abiotic environmental stress (water stress), an interspecific biotic stress (pathogen attack), and an intraspecific biotic stress (competition) were examined to determine which factors increase developmental instability. None of these three environmental stressors significantly increased FA. However, genetic stress through hybridization was detected; hybrid plants showed significantly higher levels of FA than parental species. In contrast to hybridization providing greater developmental stability through heterozygosity, these results suggest that complex, nonadditive interactions provided developmental stability and that developmental instability increased when coadapted gene complexes were disrupted through hybridization. In addition, plant biomass was significantly, negatively correlated with FA, suggesting that those individuals that were more able to buffer themselves against the disruptive effects of environmental stress may have a selective advantage over those that are less able to buffer themselves against these disruptive effects.