Alston (1988) suggests quantification of handwritings for educational purposes is necessary to assess students' progress. Electronic digital callipers aided by a three-power magnifier lamp give accurate metric measurements so that interrater reliab&ty is greater than 95%. following 17 factors in handwriting are routinely and accurately measured: at which angle lines move across the page, slant of letters, width of letters, between words, between lines, heights of letter aJ heights of letter heights of lower loop of letter g, heights of letter 'IfJ'' widths of letter t crossing, heights of letter t crossing, left margins, right margins, total margins for same paragraph, difference between margins, pressure of writing on the page, and quality of writing on the page. This measurement guide has been used to study the handwritings of college students and their- families. We have reported Pearson product-moment correlations of parentlchild pairings that suggest an inherited influence for space between words (Peeples & Morris, 1985). Subsequent work suggests three more of these measured factors are both inherited and highly correlated among themselves (height of the t-crossing, height of the letter f and height of the letter a). following two paragraphs can be used in collecting uniform samples from large groups of subjects. This sample of my handwriting must have within it all the twenty-six bterr of the English alphabet. Therefore, it is necessary to include something silly, such as The quick red fox jumps over the lozy brown dog. Also, because nrtmbers may be useful in this research program, I will write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. If I had my way, I would travel to the /ar ends of the earth. Preferably, I would take the proverbial Slow boat to China and see the sights of all parts of the world at my leisure. If I can't see the whole wide world, I want to begin in Italy before Spring.