To determinate carcass characteristics, yield of primal cuts and tissue composition 40 Katahdin x Pelibuey male carcasses, from feedlot were used. They received during 84 d 0, 15, 30, 45, or 60 % of cull-chickpeas (CCH) in complete diets. The left half of carcass was used for carcass evaluation and dissection in lean (LT), adipose (FT) and bone (BT) tissue. The carcass halves were then split according to commercial standards. Inclusion of CCH did not modified (P>0.05) productive response and carcass characteristics, kidney-pelvic fat linear increased (P 0.05) among treatments. However, yield of rack and flank was lower (P<0.05) in lambs that received CCH. In the leg, was observed a linear trend (P<0.09) to decreased its yield in response of high levels of CCH. Inclusion of CCH increased (P<0.05) FT in leg (9.9 vs 13.0 %), breast (16.1 vs 26.0 %), foreshank (13.2 vs 18.2 %), and flank (43.6 vs 51.2 %), and decreased (P<0.02) LT in breast (66.8 vs 57.7 %), and flank (56.4 vs 48.8 %). Total LT decreased (62.6 vs 58.0 %, P<0.04) due to inclusion of CCH, on the contrary total FT increased (P<0.02), due to the incorporation of CCH in the complete diets (17.1 vs 21.5 %). The muscle/fat ratio was modified (P<0.02) due to inclusion of CCH (3.7 vs 2.8). It is concluded that inclusion of more than 45 % of cullchickpeas in the completed diets reduces the proportion of lean tissue to fat in Katahdin x Pelibuey lambs carcass in the feedlot.
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