LEA proteins comprise a large group of probable desiccation protectants that in cotton (Gossypium hirsu tum) are developmentally induced during the postabscission stage of embryogenesis (Hughes and Galau, 1989) and are environmentally induced in embryos by desiccation or culture with ABA or high osmoticum (Hughes and Galau, 1991). In other plants, some Lea mRNAs are induced by similar stresses in vegetative tissues (Skriver and Mundy, 1991). Of the many Lea and water stress-related mRNAs that have been sequenced (Skriver and Mundy, 1991), a11 but cotton LealZ, cDNA D34 (Baker et al., 1988), and desiccation-induced Craterostigma cDNA pcC27-45 (Piatkowski et al., 1990) encode proteins that are very hydrophilic (Baker et al., 1988; Skriver and Mundy, 1991). Extensive hydrophilicity is expected of structural and nonstructural proteins that bind or replace water during water stress (Baker et al., 1988; Hughes and Galau, 1989), but other functions might be expected for those that are not remarkably hydrophilic. Of the 18 cloned cotton Lea and LeaA mRNAs (Galau et al., 1986), only Lea5 (cDNA D73) and Leal4 (cDNA D95) are highly induced in mature leaves of water-stressed plants or in water-stressed, detached leaves (D.W. Hughes, G.A. Galau, unpublished observations). We report here that both genes encode proteins with significant hydropathic character and that Leal4 is a homolog of the gene encoding the Craterostigma desiccationinduced cDNA pcC27-45 (Piatkowski et al., 1990). Both alloalleles of Leu5 were recovered, and 3809 nucleotides of Lea5-A clone GD73-14R and 1269 nucleotides of Lea5-D clone GD73-2R were sequenced along with several Lea5 cDNA clones (Table I). Lea5-A and Lea5-D are very similar from at least 240 nucleotides upstream of the transcription start to about 230 nucleotides 3' of the major polyadenylation site, after which they diverge in sequence. The cDNA clones D73 and D96 are transcribed from Lea5-A, and cDNA clone D122 is transcribed from Lea5-D. Clone D73 is the result of an error in excision of the single intron; instead of splicing to Lea5-A nucleotide 2515, as occurs with
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