Using radioimmune techniques, we studied in detail the concentrations of β-endorphin (β-En), met- and leu-enkephalins (mE and lE, respectively), and substance P (SP) in a number of structures of the brainstem and forebrain of the cat. According to the proposed concept, these structures comprise the noci- and antinociceptive brain systems (NS and ANS). The above indices were measured in intact animals and in animals after nociceptive electrocutaneous stimulation (NECS) of the limb, stimulation of the ventrolateral zone of the midbrain central gray (vl SGC, a nociceptive midbrain structure), stimulation of the dorsolateral part of the above region and dorsal raphe nucleus (dl SGC and Rd, antinociceptive midbrain structures), and after combined stimulations (NECS preceded by conditioning stimulation of one of the above midbrain zones). We found that in the norm maximum SP concentrations were observed in the NS structures, while those of β-En and mE were the highest in the hypothalamic nuclei belonging to the ANS and in its midbrain centers (dl SGC and Rd). Nociceptive ECS, stimulations of the studied midbrain zones, and combinations of these stimulations could result in specific and, in some cases, very significant (by an order of magnitude and more) shifts in the concentrations of the mentioned neuropeptides in the studied set of the central structures. After NECS and its combination with vl SGC stimulation, SP concentrations in the NS structures considerably increased, while β-En and mE concentrations in the ANS components dropped. Stimulations of the dl SGC and Rd were accompanied by increases in the mE and β-En levels and simultaneous drops in the SP concentrations in the ANS components; reciprocate shifts were observed within the NS. Changes in the lE level, which were related to the influences used, were less specific and mostly appeared as increases in this index in the structures of both the NS and ANS. Combinations of NECS with conditioning stimulations of the vl SGC, dl SGC, or Rd demonstrated that the latter exert significant modulatory effects on the NECS-induced shifts in the concentrations of the studied neuropeptides. Considering the obtained data, a hypothetical scheme of neuropeptide organization of the cerebral NS and ANS has been proposed. In the examined brain structures, there are neuronal populations belonging to the two main neurochemical systems. One of them is SP-ergic, while another consists of mE- and β-En-ergic neurons; these systems are in antagonistic relations. Changes in the levels of mE and β-En always induce the attended opposite shifts in the SP levels, and vice versa. The lE-ergic neuronal populations, which co-exist with the above neurochemical systems, are relatively nonspecifically activated by either (noci- and antinociceptive) drives, but, according to the pattern of its responses, the lE-ergic system is closer to the SP-ergic one. It is supposed that pain signals, when coming to the vl SGC, activate SP- and lE-ergic neuronal populations; later on, the posterior and lateral hypothalamic nuclei and preoptic region are involved in the transmission of the above signals. When released by the corresponding neuronal populations in the vl SGC, lE activates the key ANS structures (dl SGC and Rd), and the latter, in turn, activate other components of this system, which form its ascending compartment (ventromedial, dorsomedial, and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei, septum, basolateral amygdala, hippocampal fields 3 and 4, and cingular cortex). In the ANS,β-En and mE function as transmitters.