GAS HYDRATES-A HUGE CARBON SINK OF SHALLOW GEOSPHERE:Findings of gas hydrates in marine sediments in late 20th century have made a strong impact on the study of carbon cycle and global changes as well as on the exploration for energy resources. Gas hydrates are crystalline materials composed of cages of water molecules that surround low-molecular-weight gas such as methane, ethane, propane, carbon dioxide, and etc. Naturally occurring gas hydrates are mostly composed of methane and water, then called as methane hydrate, but often referred as gas hydrates (e. g., Lancelot and Ewing, 1972; Shipley et al., 1978).Recent geological and geophysical surveys for natural gas hydrates have revealed that the upper few hundred meters of the deep sea sediments of continental margins are often associated with laterally extensive gas hydrate deposits that underlain by free gas zone. Methane Hydrate Exploration Project of METI-JNOC (1995-) identified and recovered gas hydrate saturated sands from the Nankai Trough (e. g., Matsumoto, 2000). The pore saturation of the sands reaches up to 80%. The total carbon mass stored in modern gas hydrates is estimated to be 7, 500 to 15, 000 Gt (Gt=1015g), which is -25% of the total DIC in the ocean, -104 times the amount of methane carbon in the atmosphere, and comparable to the conventional fossil fuel reserves (e. g., Kvenvolden, 1988, 1993). Methane of marine gas hydrates is mostly originated from microbial methanogenesis and is therefore extremely depleted in 13C (δ13C=-60 to -90%0 PDB).Gas hydrates are stable at low temperature and high-pressure conditions with certain amounts of gas and water. Therefore, gas hydrates in marine sediments is sensitive to even a little change in the relative sea level, bottom water temperatures, and geothermal gradients. The modeling of carbon cycle and global change must take into account the presence of gas hydrates in marine sediments and the consequences of the dissociation and possible release of large amount of methane carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system.δ13C OF MARINE CARBONATES AND GAS HYDRATE INDUCED EVENTS:Stratigraphic boundary events with mass extinction are often associated with abrupt negative excursion in δ13C of marine carbonates. Extensive depletion in 13C in the shallow oceans had been explained in two ways; a mass extinction and reduced primary productivity-photosynthesis (Hsu et al., 1985; Hsu and McKenzie, 1990) and an oceanic overturning and consequent upwelling of anoxic bottom waters (e. g., Hoffman et al., 1991). Large releases of isotopically light carbon are also interpreted to have come from massive dissociation of gas hydrates (e. g., Dickens et al., 1995; Matsumoto, 1995; Kennett et al., 2000).The “Latest Paleocene Thermal Maximum” (LPTM) ca. 55Ma is a typical example of “gas hydrate induced” boundary event. LPTM was characterized by a 4 to 6°C rise in deep ocean water temperature (Kennett and Scott, 1991), coincided with major extinction of benthic foraminifers (Kaiho, 1994) and negative carbon isotopic excursion (Δδ13C=-2 to -3‰). Early Paleogene was a period of general warmth, and futhermore a sharp temperature increase is recorded within a short interval of ca. 55Ma. High-resolution isotope records indicate that the main drop and gradual return in δ13C spanned less than 10, 000 years and 200, 000 years, respectively (e. g., Bains et al., 1999). The timing and magnitude of the δ13C excursion across LPTM are best explained by gas hydrate hypothesis. General increase of bottom waters, probably caused by recorded igneous activities, finally triggered thermal dissociation of marine gas hydrates and release of large amount of 13C-depleted methane to the ocean (e. g.,
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