AL INDEX IN TRIPLET GESTATIONS ROBIN B. KALISH, GEETA SHARMA, LOUIS G. KEITH, DEBBIE J. RHEA, ISAAC BLICKSTEIN, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York, NY Northwestern University, Gynecology, Chicago, IL Matria Healthcare Inc., Department of Clinical Research, Marietta, GA Kaplan Medical Center, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rehovot, Israel OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine the association of the ponderal index with birth weight discordance in triplets. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed data from triplets delivered at 28-37 weeks for birth weight discordance (> 25%difference between the heaviest and lightest triplet). Three categories of discordance (low skew, symmetrical, and high skew) were classified according to the relative position of the middle triplet. Birth weights and the ponderal index (birth weight/length 3) of all concordant and discordant triplet groups were compared. RESULTS: Of 752 triplet sets included, 184 (24.5%) were discordant. Total triplet birth weight was higher in the concordant compared to all discordant categories. As opposed to birth weight, where only the middle triplet differed according to discordance pattern, the ponderal index for the largest triplet was significantly higher in the low skew discordant group compared to the concordant and other discordant triplet groups. In contrast, the ponderal indexes for the smallest and middle triplets were similar among the discordant groups. CONCLUSION: Discordance in triplet pregnancies exhibits different patterns of mass (birth weight) versus size (ponderal index). Our findings suggest that it may be the size of the largest triplet that determines the presence or absence of discordance in triplet gestations.