The issue of dropping the random force f_i and the arbitrariness ofchoosing the basic variable in the variational approach to turbulence closure prob-lem, pointed out recently by the Russian scientists Bazdenkov and Kukharkin, are dis-cussed. According to the mean-square estimation method, the random force f_i shouldbe dropped in the error expression of the LFP (Langevin-Fokker-Planck) model. How-ever, f_i is not neglected, its effect has been taken into account by the variationalapproach. In order to optimize the perturbation solution of the Liouville equation,the LFP model requires that the basic variable is as near to Gaussian as possible.Hence, the velocity, instead of the vorticity, should be chosen as the basic variablein the three-dimensional turbulence. Although the LFP model and the zero-orderGaussian term of PDF (probability density function) imply whiteness assumption(zero correlation time of f_i), the higher-order non-Gaussian terms of PDF correspondto the nonwhiteness of turbulence dynamics, the variational approach does calculatethe nonwhiteness effect properly.
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