results of systematization and analysis of various sources containing information on scales of distribution and activity of manifestation of landslide processes in Kabardino-Balkar Republic are considered. It is shown that landslide activity in the republic is controlled by the climatic conditions (heavy rains, snow cover and glacier melting, river erosion) and engineering and economic development. Set of major factors of the natural and technogenic environment and degree of their influence on landslide activity differ by years. Conducted analysis of landslide activity in the republic for the last 15 years showed that the greatest degree of landslide activity was noted in 2012–2014, the smallest — in 2007. Results of estimating the scales of landslide distribution in the territory of the republic are presented including the map form. Analysis of the most significant landslides occurred in 2004–2018 and consequences of their manifestation is carried out for the main river basins (Malka, Baksan, Chegem, Cherek) of the republic. Most often landslide deformations occur due to the undercutting of slopes by highways. For each main river basin of the republic the general data on the landslide genesis, dynamic state, composition of landslide rocks, minimum and maximum values of area, volume and thickness are given. For each altitude zone (foothill, low-, medium- and high-mountain) of the main river valleys of the republic the most dangerous landslides are defined. Data on their sizes, volume and intensity of activization are given.