We consider a coupled Ginzburg--Landau system, the so-called Lawrence--Doniach system, which models layered superconductors as a stack of nonlinearly coupled, parallel two-dimensional superconducting layers, separated by an insulating material or vacuum, in an applied magnetic field. We prove that weak solutions (e.g., energy minimizers) in an appropriate divergence-free gauge are uniformly bounded and continuous and satisfy a priori estimates based on elliptic theory and single layer potentials. Moreover, we show the existence of an upper critical field ${\bar{h}}$ such that when the modulus of a constant applied magnetic field $\vec{H}=h\vec{v}$ in a direction $\vec{v}$ nontangential to the layers (where $|\vec{v}|=1$) is greater than ${\bar{h}}$, the normal (nonsuperconducting) state is the only solution to the Lawrence--Doniach system. It follows from these results and methods developed earlier by Chapman, Du, and Gunzburger [SIAM J. Appl. Math., 55 (1995), pp. 156--174] that under certain assumptions on the relative values of parameters in the model, minimizers of the Lawrence--Doniach energy converge, as the interlayer spacing tends to zero, to minimizers of an appropriate anisotropic Ginzburg--Landau energy in three dimensions. Finally, we derive that ${\bar{h}} \leq C\kappa/\mu$ for all $\kappa$ sufficiently large and all unit vectors $\vec{v}$ satisfying $\vec{v}\cdot\vec{e_3} \geq \mu > 0$ for the Lawrence--Doniach system, where $\kappa$ is the Ginzburg--Landau constant for the superconducting material and C is independent of $\kappa$ and $\mu$.
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